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Dirk Jongkind is probably best-known as editor of the Tyndale House Greek New Testament. However, before he ended up in the academy, Dirk worked in the horticultural sector (together with his wife Marion), growing tropical cut-flowers (Heliconia) in greenhouses in his native country, the Netherlands. He enjoyed this hands-on setting, yet decided to follow his life’s fascination with the history and text of the Bible. He completed a M.A. in Old Testament at Tyndale Theological Seminary (1999, Badhoevedorp, nr. Amsterdam), and moved to the United Kingdom for an M.Phil. in New Testament at Cambridge University, where he also completed a PhD in 2005. At this time he was employed for a brief project at the British Library as part of the preparation of the Codex Sinaiticus Digitisation project.
At Tyndale House Dirk does research in the transmission of the text of the New Testament which has resulted in the Tyndale House Edition of the Greek New Testament (2017). Besides he maintains an interest in lexical and grammatical studies. He is an Associate Editor of the Tyndale Bulletin. Working at Tyndale House gives unique opportunities to contribute to the practice and vision of theological education.
He has taught in a wide variety of settings ranging from big conference rooms and University halls to the back rooms of small rural chapels and local village pubs. Dirk is a Fellow of St Edmund’s College and a Member of the Faculty of Divinity.
Apart from explaining the Bible and the many ways in which one passage resonates with others, he also enjoys speaking about how Christians can be good scholars and pursue knowledge and truth without compromising their commitment to faith.
2001 "Corinth in the First Century AD: The Search for Another Class", Tyndale Bulletin 52.1, 139–48.
2006 “'The Lilies of the Field' Reconsidered: Codex Sinaiticus and the Gospel of Thomas”, Novum Testamentum 48: 209–16.
2011 "Some Observations on the Relevance of the 'Early Byzantine Glossary' of Paul for the Textual Criticism of the Corpus Paulinum",Novum Testamentum 53: 358-75.
2014 "059 (0215) and Mark 15:28", Textual Criticism 19: 1-3
2023 "'It Does Not Make a Difference': The Fraught Relation Between the Textual Criticism of the New Testament and Theology." Presbyterion 49 (2023): 38-53.
Book Sections:
2006 “One Codex, Three Scribes, and Many Books: Struggles with Space in Codex Sinaiticus,” in New Testament Manuscripts: Their Texts and Their World, ed. Thomas J. Kraus and Tobias Nicklas, Texts and Editions for New Testament Study; vol. 2 (Leiden; Boston: Brill), 121–35.
2008 "Singular Readings in Sinaiticus: The Possible, the Impossible, and the Nature of Copying," in Textual Variation: Theological and Social Tendencies?: Papers from the Fifth Birmingham Colloquium on the Textual Criticism of the New Testament, Texts and Studies, Third Series, Volume 6, edited by D.C. Parker and H.A.G. Houghton (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press), 35-54.
2011 "The Text of the Pauline Corpus" in The Blackwell Companion to Paul, edited by Stephen Westerholm (Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell), 216-31.
2015 "On the Marcionite Prologues to the Letters of Paul," in Studies on the Text of the New Testament and Early Christianity: Studies in Honor of Michael W. Holmes on the Occasion of his 65th Birthday. New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents 50, edited by Daniel M. Gurtner, Juan Hernández Jr., and Paul Foster (Leiden; Boston: Brill), 389-407.
2017 "The Text and Lexicography of the New Testament in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries," in A History of Biblical Interpretation, edited by Alan J. Hauser and Duane F. Watson (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2017), 274-99.
2018 "Samuel Prideaux Tregelles: A Nineteenth-Century Evangelical Apology for New Testament Textual Criticism," in Bible and Theology in the Brethren, edited by Neil Dickson and T.J. Marinello. Studies in Brethren History (Glasgow: BAHN), 39–50.
2019 "Redactional Elements in the Text of Codex B," in The Future of New Testament Textual Scholarship: From H.C. Hoskier to the Editio Critica Maior and Beyond, edited by Garrick V. Allen (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck), 231–45.
2020 "Manuscripts of the Greek Bible," in The New Testament in Antiquity and Byzantium: Traditional and Digital Approaches to Its Texts and Editing. A Festschrift for Klaus Wachtel, edited by H.A.G. Houghton, David C. Parker and Holger Strutwolf (Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter), 189–201.
2022 "The Various Scribal Habits behind Substitutions," in Ancient Texts, Papyri, and Manuscripts: Studies in Honor of James R. Royse, edited by Alan Taylor Farnes, Scott D. Mackie and David T. Runia. New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents 64 (Leiden; Boston: Brill), 141-59.
2023 "The Text of Galatians and the Scribal Habit of Harmonisation," in The Variety and Importance of the Scriptural Witnesses to the So-called ‘Western’ Text: Essays in Honour of Jenny Read-Heimerdinger, edited by Laurent Pinchard and J.K. Elliott. New Testament Tools, Studies and Documents 65 (Leiden; Boston: Brill), 203-23.
2007 Scribal Habits in Codex Sinaiticus, Texts and Studies, Third Series, Volume 5 (Piscataway, NJ: Gorgias Press).
2017 (Editor, with P.J. Williams) The Greek New Testament Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge (Cambridge; Wheaton, Ill: Cambridge University Press; Crossway).
2019 Introduction to the Greek New Testament Produced at Tyndale House, Cambridge (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway).
Other major publication projects:
2009 "Tregelles's Greek New Testament: Transcription of the Text and Introduction. Edited by Dirk Jongkind in collaboration with Julie Woodson, Natacha Pfister, and Robert Crellin." Cambridge, www.tyndalehouse.com/tregelles.
Content from Dirk Jongkind
How we got the Bible
Dirk Jongkind takes a long look at the story of how the Bible came to us.
Dirk Jongkind
From the hands of scribes
How does handwriting shed light on variants in Bible manuscripts? Beth Vickers and Dr Dirk Jongkind follow the clues
Dirk Jongkind & Beth Vickers