The archives of Tyndale House

The archives contain records of the Library, Tyndale Fellowship, Tyndale House Council, and Biblical Research Committee, as well as papers of the following individuals:
Atkinson Letters Letters written by Dr. Basil Atkinson (1895–1971) to his friend Rev. George A.R. Swannell between 1947 and 1956.
Burkitt Papers Papers of Prof. Francis Crawford Burkitt (1864-1935)
Hemer Papers Papers of Dr. Colin J. Hemer (1930-1987)
Holden Sermons Papers of Rev. John Stuart Holden (1874-1934)
Johnson Papers Papers of Dr. Douglas Johnson (1904-1991)
K.A. Kitchen Library Book lists by Prof. Kenneth A. Kitchen (1932-)
Walls Papers Papers of Prof. Andrew F. Walls (1928-2021)
Wiseman Papers Papers of Prof. Donald Wiseman (1918-2010)
The Wiseman archive collection at Tyndale House
The Professor Donald Wiseman papers comprise hundreds of items amassed by Wiseman over the course of his life, alongside a smaller collection of items (mainly comprising Bible study notes and reports of Bible talks and sermons) apparently created and/or collected by his father, Percy J. Wiseman, and subsequently retained by Donald Wiseman.
Examples of items in the collection include:
- Printed publications such as war reports and annotated journal offprints
- Handwritten transcriptions, transliterations and translations of cuneiform tablets
- Handwritten notes on ancient near eastern history and archaeology
- Handwritten notes on Bible passages
- An extensive handwritten memoir of Wiseman's life
- Photographs from a range of archaeological excavations
- Correspondence, usually typewritten, on many different subjects both personal and professional
The Professor Donald Wiseman papers cover all aspects of his life’s work, including:
- RAF intelligence duties in World War Two
- Archaeological excavations in Nimrud and elsewhere
- Professorship of Assyriology at SOAS
- Administration of Tyndale House
- Administration of the Scripture Gift Mission
- Translation work for the first edition of the New International Version of the Bible
Full Archival standard description of the Wiseman archive collection >