Tyndale Fellowship becomes an independent charity
5th May 2022

At the end of April, the Chair of the Tyndale Fellowship, David G Firth, announced to the membership plans which are underway to establish Tyndale Fellowship as an independent charity. Remaining closely linked, but with the Fellowship moving away from the administrative oversight of Tyndale House, the change is due to complete on 1 November 2022.
‘This change has been carefully planned to ensure that both the House and the Fellowship continue to flourish’, explains Firth. ‘Our relationship with Tyndale House remains one of great importance, and the House and the Fellowship are committed to mutually supporting and encouraging one another.’
As two independent charities Tyndale House and Tyndale Fellowship will be able to take full advantage of two different governance structures in a common mission: Tyndale House led by a board and executive and Tyndale Fellowship as a scholarly society led by its members.
The Tyndale Fellowship will continue to facilitate an annual conference for its study groups, including a combined conference every four years. Enabling biblical, theological and philosophical researchers from across the globe to engage with each other in the best of evangelical scholarship remains a priority for the Fellowship. In 2023, the study groups will meet 5 – 7 July at High Leigh Conference Centre.
For Tyndale Fellowship members
If you have a standing order for your Tyndale Fellowship membership and/or donation, we ask that you cancel it before 1 November 2022. Please note that we cannot cancel the standing order for you and if it is not cancelled, the membership fee and/or donation will continue to be automatically debited from your bank account. If you have any questions about your standing order, please contact administrator@tyndalehouse.com.
If you have any questions about your Tyndale Fellowship membership, please contact admin@tyndalefellowship.org.