Getting to know the Old Testament: Micah
16th December 2022
‘…in the middle of these black, black announcements of judgement on sinfulness come these beams of glorious light, of God bringing hope and salvation and forgiveness.’
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Do you ever struggle with reading the Old Testament prophets? They contain a lot about judgement and misery, and it can sometimes be hard to make sense of them and their relevance to us. The book of Micah is no exception to this.
In this video, Tony Watkins gives some helpful pointers on how we are to read and understand the book of Micah, along with some general reflections on how to read the books of prophecy. He describes it a bit like a tree. We need to look at why this book was planted, what are the nutrients it is drawing on, what are the details of it, what’s the structure, what’s the core message running through it, and what is the fruit? He says that to do this well, we need to dedicate time to it. ‘We will get the riches of scripture as we immerse ourselves in it, as we go through it and through it, as we submit ourselves to it, as we grow in our confidence to it.’