Tyndale House Old Testament Project Blog

New Book Publication Edited by Caleb Howard
Caleb Howard, Research Fellow in Old Testament and Ancient Near East at Tyndale House, has edited a new book titled, Architecture, Iconograp…
George Heath-Whyte wins prize for best first article
George Heath-Whyte has been awarded the International Association for Assyriology prize for Best First Article
First Sentences in Amorite Found
Caleb Howard explains the significance of two clay tablets from Mesopotamia recently published in the Revue d’assyriologie et d’archéologie …
J. Caleb Howard
A new publication from Tyndale House OT team
A new article has been published, written by Caleb Howard, who leads the Tyndale House Old Testament team, in the Journal of Semitic Studies…
New research published by the Tyndale House Old Testament team
Publications from Dr Caleb Howard and Dr George Heath-Whyte
Heath-Whyte joins Old Testament project
Tyndale House is pleased to announce the appointment of George Heath-Whyte to our Old Testament research staff.